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Mine sites can be remote and difficult to reach, which is why ARG is dedicated to supporting the mining & exploration industry and understands the many unique challenges these industries face.


With extensive experience in mining charter flights and exploration charters across Western Australia, we specialize in the procurement of aircraft for both regular fly in – fly out crew changes and executive ADHOC charter flights to remote mine sites.


We are experienced in working with both local and international mining companies and the regulatory guidelines and safety systems specific to mining transportation.


The aircraft which suit smaller crew changes and executive charter flights include


  • Piston Twins 1-6 Passengers

  • Private Jets fitted with gravel kits up to 8 passengers

  • Twin Engine Turbo Props 10-19 seats


Call us today for a competitive quotation today 


TELEPHONE: 08 6155 7791




Fly In Fly Out from Perth or Jandakot Airport to Mines Across Western Australia

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